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Faculty Directory

Dr. Aastha Verma

Assistant Professor




Dr. Aastha Verma has more than a decade of experience in industry and academia, with a background in teaching, research, and practical applications in business management. Dr. Verma has served as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Management, at Netaji Subhas University of Technology (earlier NSIT), the Management Department at Ramlal Anand College, South Campus University of Delhi, and the Commerce Department at Kalindi College, University of Delhi. Her teaching and research areas include Marketing Management, Marketing Channels, Brand Management, Consumer Behavior, and Global Marketing.


    1. PhD, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi
    2. MBA, Bharti Vidyapeeth University, Pune

Journal Publications


  • 1. Chaired a session on "New Age Marketing and Sustainable Consumption” at the ICSSR Sponsored International Conference on Business Research and Innovation (BRAIN'24) organized by Netaji Subhas University of Technology held on 9 and 10 August 2024.
  • 2. Chaired a Session on General Management in the International Conference on Advances in Management Practices – 2021 organized by JIMS Rohini.
  • 3. Participated and presented research on “ Modelling the drivers of gamification in business” at the ICSSR Sponsored International Conference on Business Research and Innovation (BRAIN'24) organized by Netaji Subhas University of Technology held, 2024.
  • 4. Participated in the ICRMT 2023 conference and presented a paper titled “How Gamification Innovative Practices Improves Customer Experience and Retention” at Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Jammu. 2023
  • 5. Participated and presented a research paper titled “Embracing Sustainable Solutions: Overcoming Barriers to Eco-Friendly Packaging Adoption for A Better Future” in the 3rd International Marketing Conference (iMarC III) hosted by IIM Shillong on the 30th and 31st of January 2024.
  • 6. Participated and presented a research paper titled “Exploring the impact of gamification digital transformation in marketing through bibliometric analysis” in the 3rd International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought at IIM Kozhikode, 1-3 December 2022. (Received Best Paper Award) 2022
  • 7. Presented a research paper titled “Pandemic Fear an Impetus to Digital Transformation of Business: Crucial Role of Social Media Usage” in the 4th International Conference organized by ISB Hyderabad on13-14 May, 2022 at IBS Hyderabad.
  • 8. Authored and presented a research paper in the International Conference on Business, Sociology and Applied Sciences (ICBSAS’14) held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) on 26th& 27th March 2014. The participation was 100% funded by ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science and Research)
  • 9. Authored a Research paper title “Qualitative Analysis and Inquiry of Global E – commerce Security Issues: A Case Study Approach and presented at the National Conference, Kirori Mal College, Department of Commerce, University of Delhi held on 16th – 17th November 2018.
  • 10. Authored a Research paper title “Paradigms, Prospects and Linkages of Digital Payment System: A Study of Qualitative Data Analysis using NVIVO and presented at the 6th AICC, 2018 Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics University of Delhi held on 11th – 12th January 2018.
  • 11. Authored a Research paper title “Green Marketing, Young Consumers and New Opportunities for Marketers: An Empirical Investigation.” and presented at the 5th AICC, 2016 Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics University of Delhi held on 4th – 5th November 2016.
  • 12. Authored a Research paper title “Consumers' Purchase Preference for Green /Eco -Friendly Products: Insights from an Exploratory Study.” and presented at the 5th AICC, 2016 Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics University of Delhi held on 4th – 5th November 2016.
  • 13. Authored a Research paper title “Purchase Preference for Foreign Brand Names: Insights from an Exploratory Study” and presented at the conference organized by IIT – Delhi, Department of Management Studies held on 16th – 17th April 2016.
  • 14. A Research paper titled “Impact of Indian Consumer’s Predisposition towards foreign brands on their Conspicuous Consumption and Impulse Buying Behaviour: Marketing strategy for International Marketers” authored and presented in the conference on strategy on 25 -26 Feb 2016 organized by Management Development Institute (MDI, Gurgaon).
  • 15. A Research paper titled “Predisposition towards Foreign Brands and Materialism: A Quantitative Assessment” presented at the national Marketing conference organized by Indian Institute of Management (IIM) - Kashipur held on 18th and 19th April 2015 in Delhi.
  • 16. A Research paper titled social media and Evolution of Hybrid Marketing: An Impetus to “New Consumerism” was submitted and presented at the national conference organized by SBSC Department of Commerce, Delhi University held on 5th and 6th February 2016 in Delhi.
  • 17. Paper titled “Think local act global – A conceptual framework for services business in rural India” submitted and presented at the national conference in Gautam Buddha University on 19th Dec 2011. (Published in proceedings)
  • 18. Paper titled “Mergers & Acquisitions- Organisational culture, leadership and business ethics challenge” submitted and presented at the national conference in Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, Delhi University on 20th Jan 2012.

Academic Experience

  • 1. Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Netaji Subhas University of Technology
  • 2. Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Ram Lal Anand College, South Campus University
  • 3. Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Kalindi College, University of Delhi
  • 4. Advisory Board Member – International Association for Technology and Management, USA
  • 5. Trainer/ Resource Person at - Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme (MMTTP), UGC.
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