Having a total teaching experience of around 24 years, Garima Gupta has taught in both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Prior to joining FMS, she served as a permanent faculty in the constituent college of University of Delhi
1. Garima Gupta did her B.Com (Hons) from Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi. She did her M.Com, M. Phil. and Ph.D from Department of Commerce, University of Delhi. She also holds a Master Degree in Business Management with specialization in Marketing.
2. ______, ______, Gupta, G., ______ (2023). Prioritizing Factors of Panic Buying Behaviour: A Neutrosophic Analytical Approach. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review. https://doi.org/10.1177/22779752231166186 (First published online May 19, 2023), Impact Factor: 1.8
3. ________ and Gupta, G. (2022). Impact of Pandemic Communication on Brand-Specific Outcomes: Testing the Moderating Role of Brand Attitude and Product Category. Journal of Creative Communications, pp. 1-17, DOI: 10.1177/09732586211067840 (First published January 5, 2022), Impact Factor: 1.5
4. Singharia, K. and Gupta, G. (2022). Factors Driving Subscription of Music Streaming Services (MSS): An Integration of Value-adjusted Adoption Model (VAM) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Journal of Commerce and Business Studies, Vol.
5. Gupta, G. and Nagpal, S. (2022). Chatbot for Educational Services: Confirmation and Assessment of Quality Dimensions. IITM Journal of Business Studies (ISSN: 2393-9451), Special Issue, April, pp. 41-49.
6. Gupta, G. and _______ (2021). Consumption of OTT Media Streaming in COVID-19 Lockdown: Insights from PLS Analysis. Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective (MDI-Sage), Vol. 25, No.1 (February), pp. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1177/0972262921989118 (First published February 1, 2021), Impact Factor: 3
7. Gupta, G. and _________ (2020). Green Dimensions, Environment Orientation and Size: Impact Assessment on Operational Performance of Manufacturing Firms. Global Business Review (ISSN: 0972-1509), 1-14, First Published May 13, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1177/0972150920919880.
8. ________, Gupta, G. and _____ (2020). The Role of Social Influence and e-Service Quality in Impacting Loyalty for Online Life Insurance: A SEM-based Study. International Journal of Business Excellence (Inderscience Publishers), Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 322-337, DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2019.10019249
9. Gupta, G. and __________ (2020). Quality-Satisfaction-Loyalty Linkage and Switching Costs: Findings in the Context of Online Life Insurance. International Journal of Business Excellence (Inderscience Publishers), Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 1-16, DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2019.10019482
10. Gupta, G. and Nagpal, S. (2020). Green Attributes and Customer-Based Brand Equity: Synthesis and Examination of Banking Services. NMIMS Management Review (ISSN: 0971-1023), Vol. 38, No.2, pp. 93-109.
11. ______ and Gupta, G. (2019). Converging Resources and Co-Producing for Innovation: Evidence from Healthcare Services. European Journal of Innovation Management (Emerald, ISSN: 1460-1060), Vol. 23, No. 3, DOI: 10.1108/EJIM-02-2019-0047.
12. Gupta, G. and _____ (2019). Social Media Usage Intensity: Impact Assessment on Buyers’ Behavioural Traits. FIIB Business Review (Sage), Vol. 8, Issue 2, pp. 1–11, DOI:10.1177/2319714519843689. First Published May 10, 2019.
1. Papers presented in National/International Conference: 16
2. Gupta, G. and ______ (2019), ‘Embracing New Digital Media for CSR Communication: Understanding the Role and Effectiveness', International Conference on Business and Management on the theme ‘Disruptions in Business- Embracing the Age of Digitalization’, March 29-30, 2019, Delhi School of Management, Delhi Technological University, Delhi.
3. Gupta, G. and ______ (2020), ‘Sustainable Consumption and Eco-friendly Options: Learning from Consumer Study’, ICSGR 2020, VIPS, 23rd-24th January.
4. ________ and Gupta, G. (2021), ‘Corporate Social Responsibility for Branding: What drives MSMEs?’, 2nd International Conference on the role of ‘Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Management for Sustainable Development’, OP Jindal University, 27-28th November, 2021.
5. ________ and Gupta, G. (2022), ‘Funding and Brand Building: Understanding the Fluid Relationship for MSMEs’, International e-Conference on Advances in Business and Management, Department of Commerce, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, 20-21st January, 2022.
6. Gupta, G. (2024). Green Adoption and Organization Performance: Assessing the Effect of Environmental Proactivity. Conference on Technology Integration in Management: Enhancing Efficiency and Innovation (ICTIM), IITM, 23rd May, 2024, Delhi.
7. _______ and Gupta, G. (2024). Social Media Marketing and Brand Building: Strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), VPSM-ICON 2024 on Digital Intelligence for Sustainable Business Innovation and Economic Diversification, 28th-29th June, Vijay Patil School of Management (DY Patil University), 2024, Mumbai.
Research Interests
1. Consumer Behaviour, Retailing, Marketing Communications, Services Marketing, Green and Sustainable Marketing.
2. Completed five research projects under faculty research grant received from Research Council and Institution of Eminence, University of Delhi.
1. Gupta, G. (2011). Marketing of Services: Quality Dimensions (ISBN: 978-81-7708-256-2). New Century Publications: New Delhi.
2. Gupta, G. and ____ (2018). Transforming Management Education (ISBN: 978-93-86453-36-5). Edited. New Delhi Publishers: New Delhi.
3. Gupta, G. and Dey, S. (2018). Management Practices in the Digital Age (ISBN: 978-93-86453-37-2). Edited. New Delhi Publishers: New Delhi.
Academic experience
1. Member of the various administrative committee of FMS.
2. Member of the Managing Committee of University Hostel for Women (UHW)
3. Member on the Editorial Board of Amity Business Review and Journal of Business Studies
4. Review committee member of Business Analyst, Environmental Research, Engineering and Management, Jindal Journal of Business Research, Metamorphosis, to name a few
5. Member of the Review Committee constituted by Hon. Vice Chancellor for the Academic Session-2019-20
6. Member of the UGC Committee of Referees in 2023