Faculty Directory

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Faculty Directory

Dr. Narain





Narain is a Professor of Financial Economics at the Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, where he currently teaches papers on Financial Management for Healthcare Managers, Financial Risk Management, and Fixed Income Securities. He is a dedicated teacher, astute researcher, corporate consultant and management trainer. His areas of interest are Corporate Finance, Asset Pricing, Financial Econometrics, and Financial Analytics. A recipient of a Highly Commended Paper (2017) from Emerald, he has published several research articles in refereed International and National Journals of repute. He has also participated in various national and international conferences, delegations, seminars, and actively contributed to various committees at the administrative level. He has been invited as a resource person for innumerable workshops, Faculty Development Programmes and Management Development Programmes.


    1. Ph.D. (Finance), Deptt. of Finance & Business Economics, Delhi University
    2. M.Phil. (Commerce), Deptt. of Commerce, Delhi University
    3. M. Com., Deptt. of Commerce, Delhi University
    4. B. Com. (Hons.), Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University

Journal Publications

  • 1. Narain. (2008). The Impact of Single Stock Futures’ Listing on the Markets for Underlying Stocks. Business Analyst, Vol.3, no.1: 21-43
  • 2. Rani, A.; Narain; Dhawan, S. (2016). Determinants of Leverage Decision of Indian Firms: An empirical study. Business Analyst, Vol. 37, no. 1: 19-30.
  • 3. Narain; Nigam, N. K.; Pandey, P. (2016). Behaviour and Determinants of Implied Volatility in Indian Market. Journal of Advances in Management Research, Vol. 13, no. 3: 271-291.
  • 4. Narain; Jain, H. C. (2017). Spill over of Demonetisation: Implications for shareholders' wealth. Journal of Modern Management & Entrepreneurship, Vol. 7, no. 2: 9-15
  • 5. Narain; Rani, A. (2017). The Stability of Indian Stock Market after Demonetisation. Business Analyst, Vol. 37, no. 2: 39-56
  • 6. Narain; Gupta, C. P. (2018). Special Dividend Announcement by Indian firms. Business Analyst, Vol. 38, no. 2: 3-25
  • 7. Narain; Rani, A. (2019). Informational Content of Indian Demonetisation for Sectoral Indices. Journal of Commerce & Accounting Research, Vol. 8, no. 3: 1-8
  • 8. Chaudhary, P.; Narain (2021). Impact of Corporate Governance on Dividend Policy in India. Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 11, No. 3: 337-352
  • 9. Kumar, N.; Vij, M.; Narain (2021). Bank Monitoring as an Alternative Corporate Force and its Impact on the Value of Borrower Firm. Business Analyst, Vol. 42, No. 2: 43-64
  • 10. Kumar, S.; Jain, R.; Narain; Balli, F.; Billah, M. (2023). Interconnectivity and investment strategies among commodity prices, cryptocurrencies, and G-20 capital markets: A comparative analysis during COVID-19 and Russian-Ukraine war. International Review of Economics & Finance, Volume 88: 547-593
  • 11. Khan, A.; Verma, R.; Yadav, M. P.; Narain (2024). Does Governance Quality Impact Stock Market Development? An Insight of BRICS Economies. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10690-024-09462-x

Research Interests

  • 1. Financial Economics
  • 2. Corporate Finance
  • 3. Asset Pricing
  • 4. Personal Finance
  • 5. Portfolio Management

Academic experience

  • 1. PGDAV College (DU), Lecturer, 2005-06
  • 2. Shri Ram College of Commerce (DU), Lecturer, 2006-08
  • 3. Faculty of Management Studies (DU), 2008-till yet.
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