Business Sustainability | Business Ethics, Entrepreneurship, and Business Law
Dr. Anabel Benjamin Bara is a dynamic intellectual whose grassroots involvement has greatly impacted the well-being of Tribals/Indigenous Peoples in India. His research interests include Public Policy (Tribals & Human Rights), Business Ethics, Sustainability, Entrepreneurship, and Law. He played a key role in drafting the State P-PESA Act for Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand and worked closely with the National Commission of Schedule Tribe from 2018-2020 to bring policy changes for tribal rights. He is an elected Member of the Global Task Force for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL) 2022-2032 from Asia at UNESCO, Paris, and was the Co-Chair of the Global Task Force (IDIL) from 2020-2021. Dr. Bara also heads (Co-Chairs) the Adhoc Group 4 of IDIL, UNESCO, in the area of ‘Digital Equality and Domain’. He has represented Tribal/Indigenous Peoples from Asia at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN-EMRIP), and UN Food and Agriculture Organization (UN-FAO). Dr. Bara has mentored many startups and tribal entrepreneurs for sustainable business and has worked on biodiversity, forest, land, and water conservation in tribal regions of India. Prior to joining FMS, he served as the Additional Private Secretary in the Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India.