Faculty Detail Page

amit-bardhan@fms.edu's picture
Ph.D. (Operations Research)
27666382-88 Extn. 210
About Me:
Professor, in FMS and prior to this he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi. Along with teaching and research he is invloved in sponsored research, consulting and management development programs. 
Academic Experience:
Having teaching and research experience of more than 15 years in University of Delhi. Worked as a Research Fellow in the School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas. In FMS teaching courses on Management Science, Quantitative methods for managers, Health Analytics, Quantitative Analysis of Risk and Uncertainty, Service Operations Management. Has guided PhD theses and M.Phil. dissertations.
Areas of Interest/Specialisation:
Management Science/Operations Research, Marketing Analytics, Health analytics, Optimization, Project management, Service Operations Management Simulation
Other Professional Experience:
Conducted Management development programs, Resource person in Faculty Development / Quality Improvement programs, Reviewer in a number of journals
Research Papers/Projects:

Selected research publications:

Research interests:
Management Science Applications in Marketing, Health-care, Risk and Disaster management, Reliability modelling, Dynamic Optimization, Stochastic optimization. List of publications http://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=wiAyaq8AAAAJ&hl=en